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How to Use Source Control in Trae

In Trae, you can use source control to manage changes to source code over time.

Activate Source Control

  1. Open your project in Trae
  2. From the left navigation bar, select Source Control
  3. The Source Control panel appears

Based on your needs, activate source control using one of these methods:

Initialize New Repository

If your current folder doesn't have a Git repository:

  1. Click "Initialize Repository" to create a new repository
  2. Source control will be enabled once initialization completes

Publish to GitHub

To publish directly to GitHub:

  1. Click "Publish to GitHub" to create a new GitHub repository
  2. Source control access will be granted after publishing

Use Source Control

You can utilize various source control features to better manage your code:

  • Commit changes
  • Work with branches and tags
  • Manage remote repositories
  • And more

For detailed information about using these features, see here.