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How to Manage Projects in Trae IDE

Trae allows you to efficiently create, switch, and manage projects. Here’s how to get started:

What Is a Workspace?

A workspace in Trae is a folder (or multiple folders) that you open to organize and manage your project. If your project spans multiple folders, you can add them all to a single workspace.

Creating a Project in Trae

There are three methods to create a project in Trae:

Method 1: Import a Local Folder

  1. Click Open a Folder on the main screen or go to Select a Project > Open a Folder in the top-left menu.
  2. Select the desired folder and confirm access in the “Trae would like to access files…” dialog box by clicking Allow.
  3. If prompted with the “Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder?” dialog:
    • (Optional) Check Trust the authors of all files in the parent folder to avoid future prompts for this directory.
    • Click Yes, I trust the authors.
  4. The selected folder will open in Trae, and you can start editing your project.

Method 2: Clone a Git Repository from GitHub

  1. Click Clone Git Repository on the main screen or go to Select a Project > Clone Git Repository.
  2. Select Clone from GitHub and authorize GitHub access:
    • Click Allow in the authorization dialog, then Copy & Continue to GitHub.
    • Complete the device activation process in your browser following on-screen instructions.
  3. Once authorized, select a repository from the list or search for a specific repository by name or keyword.
  4. Choose a location to save the repository and click Select as Repository Destination.
  5. After cloning completes, choose one of the following options:
    • Open: Open the repository in the current Trae window.
    • Open in New Window: Open it in a separate Trae window.
  6. If prompted with the “Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder?” dialog, repeat the trust steps from Method 1.

Method 3: Clone a Git Repository Using a URL

  1. Click Clone Git Repository on the main screen or go to Select a Project > Clone Git Repository.
  2. Enter the URL of the repository in the input box and click Clone from URL.
  3. Choose a location to save the repository and click Select as Repository Destination.
  4. Once cloning completes, follow the same trust dialog steps as in Method 1.

Switching Between Projects

  1. At the top left of the Trae window, click Select Project or the name of the currently opened project.
  2. In the Recent Projects list, select the project you want to switch to.
  3. Trae will open a new window displaying the selected project.

This streamlined guide should make it easier to follow and execute tasks in Trae. If you'd like further optimization or additional details, let me know!